Precision Thickness

When accuracy on thin substrates is critical, Dakota NDT's range of ultrasonic precision thickness gauges allows accurate thickness measurement of extremely thin substrates.

Accurate and repeatable readings on metallic and composite manufactured parts. 

Thickness Gauges Division

Digital Thickness Gauges:

  • Function: Digital gauges are the workhorses of thickness measurement. They use ultrasonic waves to penetrate the material and calculate the thickness based on the time it takes for the sound wave to bounce back.
  • Display: These gauges provide a direct digital readout of the thickness on a screen, making them user-friendly and ideal for quick and repetitive measurements.
  • Benefits: Easy to operate, portable, and cost-effective, digital gauges are perfect for basic thickness measurements in quality control applications.

A-Scan Thickness Gauges:

  • Function: Similar to digital gauges, A-scan gauges utilize ultrasonic waves for measurement. However, they offer a more advanced feature: the A-scan display.
  • A-Scan Display: An A-scan presents a graphical representation of the ultrasonic signal. By analyzing this waveform, users can gain insights into the material's condition.
  • Benefits: The A-scan display empowers users to identify potential issues like corrosion or internal defects. This advanced functionality makes A-scan gauges valuable for inspections and complex measurements.